The economic benefits of Cloud Data Management

To understand how to quantify Cloud Data Management, or in the broader sense of “modern data protection,” start with the basics.

The economic benefits of “simple” BACKUP include:

If the only thing that you did was create and retain previous versions or copies of your data, you would see the benefits above. If you build on those, the economic benefits of RAPID and RELIABLE RECOVERY include:

Note that the economic “benefits” of better backup and reliable recovery are actually “reduced losses.” That is not a misnomer, nor does it devalue backup and recovery. Think of downtime and data loss like leaky plumbing in your home or office. Pipes leak; IT breaks; that is just reality. You pay for the water that you use, and you pay for the water that you lose. Fixing leaky pipes and more rapidly and reliably recovering from IT issues saves money that would otherwise be lost. As another common motto teaches, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

Cloud Data Management starts with ensuring successful backup and recovery, and then builds on it by unlocking additional capabilities… and therefore additional business and economic value. Looking at the other four facets of Cloud Data Management:

The economic benefits of Cloud Mobility are both direct and indirect:

The economic benefits of Governance & Compliance include:

The economic benefits of Orchestration & Automation include:

For each of these, there are other potential economic benefits, but perhaps these will stimulate your imagination. Beyond the capabilities, it is important to also recognize that many of the value claims or savings expectations above have to be categorized as either hard or soft costs:

TCO and ROI can be “as much art as science” in truly understanding economic benefits of transformational IT technologies or methodologies. But hopefully this gets you started.

If you want to continue the conversation, ping me on Twitter as @JBuff.

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