VMware Certified Professional: VI3 Edition

This post will include information on the VCP VI3 certification offered by VMware.

To become a VCP VI3 you need to do three things:

1. You have to take the VMware authorized course. No if, ands, or buts! The classes are instructor led and will allow you to get your hands dirty with VMware. There’s three courses you can take.

2. Get hands on experience with VMware. What’s the point of trying to get a VCP without using it!?

3.Sign up and pass the exam: http://www.pearsonvue.com/vmware

Now that doesn’t sound too hard, does it? Well, I wouldn’t say taking IT exams is easy. (Unless, you’re dumping, which I completely do not agree with.) Usually the hard part of getting a VCP is money. $2500-$3000 a course seems a little steep for a lot of people.(Although, Fast Track = $5495 but includes the exam) I see where VMware is coming from, especially due to the current state of IT certification. (i.e. people cheating/dumping exams.) Also, with the course you receive a VMware messenger bag, I mean, that’s totally worth $3000, right?

After you have passed your exam, you will receive a complimentary license of VMware workstation, a $175 “savings”. Interesting that the course itself costs about the same.

So, why get your VCP? Why does anyone get IT certifications? We all have different reasons, career advancement, your employer requires you to, or you just like to learn. Whatever your reason may be, getting certified in a technology is always beneficial.

So here are a study guide which can help you to prepare for VCP certification exams

Below are some resources you can use to learn more about VMware certifications:

VMware Certification

Benefits of Virtualization for Your Business (veeam.com)

Virtualization Management: Optimize Your VMs (veeam.com)

VMware Alternatives: Comparing Hypervisors for Virtualization (veeam.com)

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