#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience

Veeam Glossary


Application Virtualization

Application virtualization is the practice of using a virtualization layer to trick an application into thinking it’s interacting directly with the host operating system. 



A container is a light package that contains an application's code and all the libraries and other dependencies the code needs to run.

Containers vs VMs

Containers and virtual machines (VMs) are both virtualization solutions, although they serve different purposes and work in slightly different ways. 

Cloud Security

Cloud security implements a combination of technical and organizational measures to protect the data and services of a business.

Container Security

Container security refers to the set of tools and security processes used to secure container workloads. This includes securing images used in containers, the container itself and container orchestration platforms.


When a cybercriminal deploys Conti on a victim's network, it spreads rapidly while encrypting and transferring data to a remote location.


In most cases, CryptoLocker is delivered through phishing emails that attempt to trick victims into downloading and executing the ransomware.


Cybersecurity can be defined as the practice of protecting networks, devices, and data from unauthorized access from cyberattacks.


Data Resilience

Data resilience is a system or organization’s ability to withstand and recover from data-related disruptions or failures.

Desktop Virtualization

Desktop virtualization is a technical implementation that enables a system to emulate other systems using only software.

Data Protection

Data protection refers to the technical and procedural safeguards put in place to protect personal and organizational data from misuse or harm. It includes aspects like secure storage, encryption, and disaster recovery.


Endpoint Security

Endpoint security is the practice of securing endpoints such as mobile devices, laptops and desktop computers from malicious activity.


Google Cloud

Google Cloud is a service that includes the Google Workspace, along with some other cloud services running on Google's infrastructure.


Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud is a combination of two or more computing environments, including private clouds, public clouds and on-premises data centers, orchestrated as a unified, distributed computing environment.

Hybrid Cloud Architecture

Hybrid cloud architecture is a powerful blend of cloud and on-premises infrastructure that gives organizations scalable resources while maintaining the control and security of private infrastructure.

Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure

Hybrid cloud infrastructure represents having a unified IT ecosystem that blends the utilization of public and private cloud services with an on-premises infrastructure.

Hybrid Cloud Security

With cloud technology a mainstay for most organizations, hybrid cloud security is an essential aspect of managing technology infrastructure.


A hypervisor is a virtualization tool that allows a single host computer to run multiple guest virtual machines, sharing resources such as processor threads, memory or network throughput.

Hybrid Cloud Migration: Key Steps & Strategies

Hybrid cloud migration represents a strategic shift in how organizations manage their IT infrastructure. It's not just about moving workloads to the cloud but finding the right balance between on-premises resources and cloud services.



Kubernetes, often abbreviated as K8s, is an open-source platform that automates the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.

Kubernetes Cluster

A Kubernetes cluster is a group of computing resources, such as servers or virtual machines, managed by the Kubernetes container orchestration system.

Kubernetes Namespace

Kubernetes namespaces are a way to divide and manage cluster resources among multiple users or projects.


Logical Air Gaps

A logical air gap is a cybersecurity technique that isolates a network by restricting communication between systems within a cloud environment.



Malware is malicious software designed to infect computers, phones or similar devices. The software may damage the device, collect information or be used to extort money from the victim.


Microservices are an architectural approach to the development of applications that breaks a project up into smaller, more independent services that communicate with each other over APIs.

Multi Cloud

To understand multi cloud, let's take a minute to look at the definition of cloud computing. The cloud can be defined as a group of servers that customers access over the Internet.

Multi Cloud vs Hybrid-Cloud

Hybrid cloud and multi-cloud deployments represent two distinct approaches to cloud computing. Each offering presents a unique blend of benefits and challenges to organizations seeking to harness the power and flexibility of the cloud.


Network Virtualization

Network virtualization transforms a hardware-based network into a software-based network, known as Software Defined Networking (SDN).



Ransomware is a form of malware that prevents users from accessing their systems or personal files. It is not a computer virus.

Ransomware Types

Ransomware can be divided into four key categories, based on the type of threat it presents to its victims.


Server Virtualization

Server virtualization is the practice of using software to divide a single physical server into several virtual machines (VMs), each of which can run a different operating system.



Phishing is a form of social engineering attack in which malicious parties trick a person into providing sensitive information.


Virtual Desktops

Virtual desktops are a form of desktop environment that users can access remotely from a variety of endpoint clients.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

Virtual desktop infrastructure, or VDI, refers to the infrastructure used to provision and manage virtual machines and provide virtual desktops to users. 

Virtual Machine

A virtual machine, or VM, is exactly what the name suggests, a form of virtual computer.

Virtualized Security

Virtualized security is a flexible, software-based system that provides security to VMs.

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management is the process of identifying and assessing vulnerabilities, reporting on them and managing or mitigating them.



WannaCry is a ransomware cryptoworm that specifically targets computers running any version of the Microsoft operating system.

What is Cloud Native?

Cloud native is a software development approach that involves building, deploying and managing modern applications in cloud computing environments.