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Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows job displays warning: Partition exceeds disk layout

KB ID: 2060
Product: Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows
Published: 2015-08-13
Last Modified: 2021-08-20
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Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows backup job displays the following warning:
Partition ## exceeds disk ## layout by ## bytes
This warning may be accompanied by the error:
Error: The drive cannot find the sector requested. Asynchronous read operation failed Failed to upload disk. Agent failed to process method {DataTransfer.SyncDisk}. Exception from server: The drive cannot find the sector requested.


These messages occur when Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows detects an incorrectly allocated partition on a disk.


To correct the allocation issue, use the Windows OS built-in shrink tool to shrink the specified partition on the specified disk.

  1. Open Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc).

  2. Using the disk number and partition number values in the warning, identify which partition needs to be shrunk.
    In most cases, it's the last partition on the disk.

    Example: Warning Partition 2 exceeds disk 0 layout by 97923072 bytes
Disk 0 Parition 2
  1. Right-click the identified partition and select Shrink Volume...
Shrink volume menu
  1. Next, you'll need to calculate the amount of space to shrink using the byte value listed in the warning.

    Remember: The value in the warning from Veeam is in bytes, and the shrink tool uses megabytes. As such, divide the value indicated in the warning by 1,048,576 (or 1024 twice), then round up the result to the nearest megabyte.

    Example: Warning Partition 2 exceeds disk 0 layout by 97923072 bytes

    97923072 bytes = 93.38671875 megabytes, rounded up is 94 megabytes
Shrink tool
  1. After the shrink operation is completed, re-run the backup job to verify the result.
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