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This article covers two different errors that occur when performing different tasks, but have the same root cause:
Failed to list S3 buckets: check if the specified account has required permissions
REST API Error: 'S3 Error: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large.
Code: RequestTimeTooSkewed'
Invalid credentials for Amazon S3 endpoint. See logs for details.
Error Amazon REST error: 'S3 error: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large.. Code: RequestTimeTooSkewed', error code: 403.
Other: RequestTime: '20210721T040936Z', ServerTime: '2021-07-17T10:12:34Z', MaxAllowedSkewMilliseconds: '900000'
aws | WARN|HTTP request failed, retry in [120] seconds, attempt number [20], total retry timeout left: [223] seconds
aws | >> |REST API error: 'S3 error: The difference between the request time and the current time is too large.
aws | >> |Code: RequestTimeTooSkewed', error code: 403
aws | >> |tr:Request ID:
aws | >> |Other: RequestTime: '20210720T101336Z', ServerTime: '2021-07-17T10:13:41Z', MaxAllowedSkewMilliseconds: '900000'
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