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Unable to use Veeam Agent for IBM AIX after LIBPATH variable has been changed

KB ID: 4273
Product: Veeam Agent for IBM AIX | 1.0 | 2.0 | 3.0 | 4.0 | 4.1 | 4.5 | 4.6
Published: 2022-01-18
Last Modified: 2024-10-11
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In IBM AIX, it is possible to change the LIBPATH variable globally. However, doing so overrides the library loader domain configuration for all the applications running with system environment on that machine. If the LIBPATH is set to anything other than blank (default), the Veeam Agent for IBM AIX 'veeamconfig' and 'veeamsvc' will fail to operate. 

# LIBPATH=/usr/lib /opt/veeam/bin/veeamconfig

Could not load program /opt/veeam/bin/veeamconfig:
Could not load module /opt/veeam/lib/libVmbPlatformLib.so.
Dependent module /usr/lib/libiconv.a(libiconv.so.2) could not be loaded.
Member libiconv.so.2 is not found in archive
Could not load module veeamconfig.
Dependent module /opt/veeam/lib/libVmbPlatformLib.so could not be loaded.
Could not load module .


To resolve this, implement the workaround below, which will set the LIBPATH variable to an empty (blank) value before running Veeam Agent for IBM AIX binaries.
  1. Create an alias for veeamconfig, so that when it is called it will operate with an empty LIBPATH:
alias veeamconfig="LIBPATH= /opt/veeam/bin/veeamconfig"
To preserve this alias so it is not lost on reboot, it should be added to .bash_profile, .bashrc, or one of the system-wide equivalents /etc/profile and /etc/bashrc.
  1. Create an SH file that will set the LIBPATH to blank for starting the service, then make that sh file executable.
    1. Create the following file: /opt/veeam/bin/libpath.sh
    2. Add the following content to the file:
LIBPATH= /opt/veeam/bin/veeamservice
Note: There is a blank space after LIBPATH=
  1. Make the file executable:
chmod +x /opt/veeam/bin/libpath.sh
  1. Stop the veeamsvc service and remove it.
stopsrc -s veeamsvc
rmssys -s veeamsvc
  1. Add the service with the new SH file and then start the service.
mkssys -s veeamsvc -R -p /opt/veeam/bin/libpath.sh -u 0 -S -n15 -f9
startsrc -s veeamsvc
With these changes in place, the product will operate despite the LIBPATH set system-wide to any other value.
After every Veeam Agent upgrade, the veeamsvc must be recreated as documented in steps 3 and 4.

Updating crontab for Scheduled Jobs

After configuring scheduled jobs, you will need to manually edit the crontab entries using the "crontab -e" command. The entries from crontab will need to have "LIBPATH= " before the veeamconfig command, as shown in this example:

00 7 * * * LIBPATH= veeamconfig job start --id {GUID} --retriable --scheduled --highpriority > /dev/null
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