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Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 Updater Fails With: "Error opening installation log file."

KB ID: 4484
Product: Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 | 7.0
Published: 2023-08-25
Last Modified: 2023-08-25
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For Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 deployments from AWS Marketplace or Azure Marketplace, when attempting to install discovered updates or when the auto-updater attempts to update Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365, the update process fails with the error:

Error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified log file location exists and is writable.


This error occurs because the log folder path declared by the updater does not exist.
The log folder provided by the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 updater in the msiexec command directs it to write logs to the path: C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup365\Logs\Setup\ 
That 'Setup' folder is missing in Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 deployments from AWS/Azure Marketplace, which causes the update to fail.

Update script example:

msiexec /p "C:\ProgramData\Veeam\VeeamUpdates\VBO365\\VeeamBackupMicrosoft365_7.0.0.3604_P20230512.msp" /qf /l*v "C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup365\Logs\Setup\VeeamBackupMicrosoft365_7.0.0.3604_P20230512_Patch_2023_08_22_13_11_28.log" || goto exit


To resolve this issue, ensure that the expected folder structure is available on the machine where Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 is installed:


PowerShell cmdlet to create the folder path:

New-Item -Path 'C:\ProgramData\Veeam\Backup365\Logs\Setup' -ItemType Directory
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