#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience
Product Demo
September 14, 2022
Duration: 00:30

Veeam Ransomware – A Layered Approach

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Veeam Ransomware – A Layered Approach video

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Simply put, businesses are losing the battle when it comes to defending against ransomware attacks. In January 2022, an independent research firm surveyed over 1,000 unbiased IT leaders and uncovered that 72% of organizations had partial or complete attacks on their backup repositories. Of the organizations surveyed, the majority (76%) of cyber-victims paid the ransom to end an attack and recover data. Unfortunately, while 52% paid the ransom and were able to recover data, 24% paid the ransom but were still not able to recover data.

Despite the pervasive and inevitable threat of ransomware, the narrative that businesses are helpless in the face of it is not an accurate one. Veeam is committed to helping you minimize downtime and data loss, so that you never have to pay a costly ransom.  

In this 30-minute demo, you will hear from Ducks Unlimited Canada’s Director of IT, Andrew Pratt, whose organization has been using Veeam for more than 5 years now. Additionally, Veeam’s Rick Byrne and Chris McDonald will take you through a series of labs, covering:

  • Immutability
  • Instant recovery
  • Secure restore
  • Ransomware detection & alarms


Rick Byrne
Rick Byrne
Sr. System Engineer, Veeam Software
IT professional with over 10 years industry experience. He has seen many different areas of how IT works, from the Helpdesk to the Datacenters. He is a VMUG leader and has a great passion for technology and especially anything virtual.
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Andrew Pratt
Andrew Pratt
Director of Information Technology, Ducks Unlimited Canada
Chris McDonald
Chris McDonald
Sr. Systems Engineer