This whitepaper has been designed for Hong Kong organisations in the public and private sectors and explains how they can follow the best practices and guidelines issued by the Government of HKSAR to tackle the growing cybersecurity threats.
This whitepaper includes additional guidance for government agencies and private organisations on how to best protect against various cyber threats, with a focus on the recommendations from the HKSAR government.
By developing the right capabilities and practices, these organisations can significantly strengthen their security posture around data protection and disaster recovery (DR), and greatly reduce attack vectors from both internal and external threats.
On ransomware attacks, the HKSAR government provides a list of best practices for organisations to prevent these costly incidents, for example, using multi-factor authentication and protecting and storing backup data separately. It also offers a guide to respond to an attack, which includes checking that backup data Is offline and secure.
In addition, this whitepaper will cover several other aspects that make up hardened backup solutions.
Download this whitepaper to learn more.