#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience

License Update Fails In Networks Where HTTP Proxy Must Be Used

KB ID: 1975
Product: Veeam Backup & Replication
Veeam ONE
Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows
Veeam Cloud Connect
Published: 2014-12-10
Last Modified: 2024-02-26
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Known Limitation
A tenant's Veeam Backup & Replication server cannot access Veeam Cloud Connect infrastructure components through HTTP/HTTPS proxy servers. All cloud-targeted traffic from the tenant's Veeam Backup & Replication server will ignore proxy settings.


License updating may fail if the machine where the Veeam software is installed does not have a direct connection to the Internet and must instead connect to the Internet via an HTTP proxy.

For example, when this occurs with Veeam Backup & Replication,  the Svc.VeeamBackup.log shows either of the following errors:

Connection error: The remote name could not be resolved: 'autolk.veeam.com' (System.Exception)
Invalid answer received from https://vbr.butler.veeam.com: possible proxy server configuration issues


Proxy settings within Internet Options are configured per user. While the account you are logged in as may be able to access the internet through the proxy, the backup service account may not have access if that account hasn't had its internet connection settings configured.


WinInet vs WinHTTP Proxy Settings
The Proxy settings within Internet Options configure proxy usage for WinInet connections. Some commands used by Veeam's software utilizes WinHTTP, which must be configured as documented in KB3090.
Account-Level Configuration
Assigning the Proxy Settings for an account, whether a dedicated account or LocalSystem, will allow all services and applications that use that account to access the internet using the configured proxy.

Identify The Service Account

Open services and check which account is listed in the 'Log On As' column for the following services based on the Veeam product in use:

  • Veeam Backup & Replication — Veeam Backup Service
  • Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows — Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows
  • Veeam ONE — Veeam ONE Monitoring Service
  • Veeam Cloud Connect — Veeam Backup Service


It is also possible to check using PowerShell. Below is an example for Veeam Backup & Replication or Veeam Cloud Connect:

Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -Filter "Name='VeeamBackupSvc'" | Select-Object Name,StartName

Service Account is Local or Domain User

If the Service Account is a user, perform the following steps.

  1. Log on to the machine using that Service Account.
  2. Open Internet Options (inetcpl.cpl)
  3. Switch to the Connections tab.
  4. Click 'LAN settings'.
  5. Configure the Proxy settings in the 'Proxy server' section.

Service Account is LocalSystem

If the Service Account is the account LocalSystem, it will not be possible to log in as that user.
Documented below are two methods that can be used to configure the proxy settings for the LocalSystem account.

Method 1: Use PsExec to Configure Internet Options as LocalSystem
  1. Download PsExec from Microsoft's website: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/psexec.
  2. Open the zip and place PsExec.exe in a location that is convenient to access from a command line. (C:\temp\)
  3. Open an Administrative Console (Command Prompt or PowerShell)
  4. Change to the folder where you placed PsExec.exe in Step 2.
  5. Run the following command to launch a Command Prompt as LocalSystem:
PsExec.exe -s -i cmd.exe
  1. In the new command prompt window that appears, open Internet Options by running the command:
  1. In the Internet Options window that opens, switch to the Connections tab.
  2. Click 'LAN settings'.
  3. Configure the Proxy settings in the 'Proxy server' section.
    Be sure to include all proxy settings you want the LocalSystem to use, including bypasses and exclusions.
Method 2: Copy Proxy Connection Settings From Current User to LocalSystem
  1. Configure the proxy settings for the current user.
    1. Open Internet Options (inetcpl.cpl)
    2. Switch to the Connections tab.
    3. Click 'LAN settings'.
    4. Configure the Proxy settings in the 'Proxy server' section.
      Note: The settings you configure will be duplicated to the LocalSystem account, so be sure to include all settings you want the LocalSystem to use, including bypasses and exclusions.
  2. Open an Administrative PowerShell console.
  3. Run the following command to copy the DefaultConnectionSettings from the current user's settings to the setting used by the LocalSystem account:
Copy-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections" -Name "DefaultConnectionSettings" -Destination "Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections"

More Information

The Proxy settings within Internet Options configure proxy usage for WinInet connections. Some commands used by Veeam products use WinHTTP, which must be configured as documented in KB3090.
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