#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience
July 20, 2020
Duration: 01:00

Why the recent world changes make Business Continuity critical to your success

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Why the recent world changes make Business Continuity critical to your success video

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Business continuity is critical to companies’ survival.  Companies unable to maintain their customer relationships and revenue have a very high probability of failing.  As they rush to recover, they need an easy to implement, easy to use data protection and management system.  

Given the time pressure to restore their business, what are the keys that every IT manager needs to know about DR to protect their company data and their business.  This is the first of a two part series.

Watch this webinar to hear about:

  •  What is causing such rapid changes to data-protection requirements
  • What to consider when implementing a data protection solution for business continuity
  • Key capabilities necessary  


Jason Buffington
Jason Buffington
Vice President, Solutions Strategy, Veeam Software
"Jason Buffington (@JBuff) is a Vice President within the Product Strategy team at Veeam. He has been in the data protection industry for over 30 years, working on a variety of backup, replication/failover and BC/DR solutions within data protection vendors and Microsoft. Prior to joining Veeam, Jason was the Principal Analyst at the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), covering the myriad of data protection vendors and providers in the IT industry. Outside of IT, Jason is an active volunteer leader in Scouting BSA. At Veeam, Jason focuses accelerating the success of enterprise customers through Veeam's key alliance partnerships, as well as strategic special projects, evangelizing thought leadership at key industry events, and communicating Veeam’s long-term vision and strategy."
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Melih İnan Pak
Melih İnan Pak