#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience

Veeam Availability Console 3.0 upgrade considerations

KB ID: 2933
Product: Veeam Service Provider Console
Version: 3.0
Published: 2019-04-09
Last Modified: 2020-08-13
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Under certain circumstances upgrade to Veeam Availability Console v3 may fail leaving configuration database in a non-consistent state


The issue occurs when one or more tenants from the underlying Cloud Connect server have duplicated backup quotas on the repository.


Before upgrading an existing Veeam Availability Console installation to version 3, please run the pre-upgrade check script. This script removes duplicated values from the VAC database that can affect the upgrade procedure.

To apply the script:
  1. Ensure that you are running Availability Console 2.0 (any update and patch level). The script will not work on an earlier version of the database.
  2. Using Microsoft SQL Management Studio or sqlcmd connect to the SQL Server running the Configuration Database. You can get the Database connection parameters from the corresponding section in the Server Settings.
    • Using Management Studio: Connect to the "ServerName\Instance" obtained from Server Settings
    • Using sqlcmd: Open an Administrative Command Prompt and execute the following command:
      SQLCMD -S ServerName\Instance
      Note: In case you have SQL server authentication enabled you may define username using '-U' parameter
  3. Back up Availability Console database: 
    • Using Management Studio: Expand the Databases tab, right click the VAC DB --> Tasks --> Back Up. Set "Backup Type" to "Full"
    • Using sqlcmd:
      BACKUP DATABASE VACDatabaseName TO DISK = 'C:\VAC_DB.bak'
  4. Execute the script against the Availability Console database.
    • Using Management Studio: Right click on your VAC database and choose the “New query” option, insert the text from the file, and click Execute.
    • Using sqlcmd:
      SQLCMD -S ServerName\Instance -d VACDatabaseName -i PATHTOSCRIPT\Pre-upgradeCheck.sql -o c:\result.txt -I
      Note: In case you have SQL server authentication enabled you may define username using '-U' parameter

Interpreting the results:

If the script outputs one of the following messages, you can proceed with the upgrade to version 3.0:

(x row(s) affected)
All duplicates entries (x) have been removed. Ready to upgrade.
(0 row(s) affected)
No duplicates have been found. Ready to upgrade.

In case of the following message, make sure that the product's version is at least 2.0 or 2.0U1, and you are connected to a proper database. If these conditions are met, contact Technical Support for assistance:

Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 5
Invalid object name 'VeeamBR.CompanyResources'

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