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Release Information for Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 8.1

KB ID: 4711
Product: Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 | 8.1
Published: 2025-01-23
Last Modified: 2025-01-24
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This release can be used to:

  • upgrade an existing v7 or v8 deployment of Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 to v8.1.
  • install a new deployment of Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 v8.1.

After installing this release, the Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 build number will be

Release Information

  • Support for Ubuntu 24.04 and RedHat 9.4 as backup proxy operating systems.
  • Multiple stability, performance, and scalability improvements delivered to ensure product reliability.
Resolved Issues


  • Repository indexing may fail with the error:
    Retry transient error after 00:00:00: Npgsql.NpgsqlException (0x80004005): Exception while reading from stream.
  • Protection of a host running Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 using other Veeam solutions may fail with the error:
    VSSControl: Failed to prepare guest for freeze, wait timeout {value} sec.
  • Under certain conditions, retention cleanup may fail to start, displaying the error:
    Cannot start the retention session because this repository is in use by other sessions.
  • On immutable object storage repositories associated with a proxy  pool, the extension of the immutability period may fail with the error:
    Item previews are missing (ID: {ID} ({value} bytes)).


  • Upgrading a Linux proxy in a proxy pool may fail with the error:
    The command timed out: sudo systemctl stop Veeam.Archiver.Proxy. Current output: {proxy name} was not upgraded.
  • Under certain conditions, indexing and upgrading an object storage repository may get stuck.
  • Upgrading an object storage repository may get stuck.
  • Under certain conditions, upgrading an object storage repository may fail with the error:
    Cannot find a web backup for the internal web ID: {ID}.

Backup and Backup Copy

  • A backup or backup copy job with SharePoint, OneDrive, or Teams data may fail with the error:
    Cannot find object {path}.
    For more details, see KB4678.
  • Under certain conditions, an Exchange backup job processed in a proxy pool may remain stuck in a running state.
  • Under certain conditions, a backup job processed in a proxy pool may become stuck in a running or failed state, and attempts to stop or restart the job fail with errors.
  • An Exchange backup job may fail with the error:
    Processing mailbox {user@domain.com} failed with error: Unable to access object storage (reason: Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'Veeam.Core.Memory.Reference`2.
  • A OneDrive backup job may mistakenly attempt to download items blocked by a virus scanner, resulting in a failure with the warning: Failed to backup item:
    {path}, Failed to download block in time: {time}.
  • The size of backup data transferred by a backup copy job can significantly exceed the size of the source data.
  • An Exchange backup to an object storage repository may fail with the error:
    Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 23505: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “pk_exchange_items_previews_uploads”.
  • Under certain conditions, a backup copy job transferring SharePoint and Teams data may get stuck in the running state.
  • Under certain rare conditions, a backup copy job transferring Exchange data to an archive-tier object storage repository fails with the error:
    The response status code does not indicate success: 409 (this operation is not permitted on an archived blob).


  • In Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SharePoint, browsing a SharePoint, Teams (files), or OneDrive backup from an object storage repository may fail with the error:
    Cannot find object {path} or Task failed with exception (task ID: {ID}).
    For more details, see KB4678.
  • Restoring of Exchange data may fail with the error:
    Failed to get task result because the task does not exist (ID: {ID}).
  • Under certain rare conditions, when exploring SharePoint backups stored in a Jet-based repository, some items may not be displayed. For more details, see KB4704.
  • When initiated via REST APIs, exploring a SharePoint backup containing a Discussion Board may fail with the error:
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
  • In Veeam Explorer for Microsoft Exchange, when an email item is exported to a .MSG file, diacritics are replaced with fallback characters.
  • Veeam Explorer for Microsoft SharePoint may not display any content if the backup was retrieved from an archive-tier object storage.


  • Execution of the following endpoint with the useAuthentication parameter set to false may fail with the error below:
    (POST) /v8/RestoreSessions/{restoreSessionId}/organization/mailboxes/{mailboxId}/items/sendToDifferentAddress
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
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