Retention applied to a Jet-based backup repository containing SharePoint and OneDrive data may mistakenly remove the parent folders from all historical backup databases, leaving their child items orphaned. The issue may only occur under the following conditions:
Replace JobName with the name of the affected job.
During the full backup run, Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 will automatically repair the issue in the latest and subsequent restore points for impacted objects that are still present within the production Microsoft 365 environment.
file, just in case changes need to be reverted or a misconfiguration occurs.Proxy.xml
file, and within the <Archiver>
section, add the following line under the RepositoryConfig node:
<RepositoryConfig SPJetMissingParentItemsInRoot="true" />Example end of the
... <RepositoryConfig SPJetMissingParentItemsInRoot="true" /> </Archiver> </Veeam>
file.This form is only for KB Feedback/Suggestions, if you need help with the software open a support case