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New Veeam Reporter Enterprise Helps VMware Admins Discover, Document, Analyze

COLUMBUS, OHIO, Oct. 21, 2008Veeam Software, a leading provider of systems management tools for VMware ESX Server environments, today announced general availability of its Veeam Reporter Enterprise Edition. The new offering is an advanced version of Veeam Reporter, the award-winning product for automated discovery and documentation of VMware Infrastructure 3 (VI3). Veeam Reporter Enterprise is the first solution specifically designed for reporting and change control in large VI3 virtual environments.

"Change control is a fundamental discipline in data center management, and given today's problems with 'VM sprawl', it's vitally important to have a clear and complete picture of your virtual infrastructure, its components and their properties," said Ratmir Timashev, Veeam president and CEO.  "To effectively manage a large enterprise full of virtual machines, you must be able to see what you have, what storage resources are being consumed, and what is changing.  Veeam Reporter Enterprise provides a clear view of the large virtual infrastructure, both today and over time."

Veeam Reporter Enterprise provides unattended data collection and scheduled or ad hoc reporting, as well as centralized Microsoft SQL Server data storage to help systems administrators discover, document and report on all the objects within their VMware virtual infrastructure.  Its client/server architecture supports use by many administrators, who can each see their area of interest.

"We are very excited about the release of Veeam Reporter Enterprise," said Barry Martin, Partner and Chief Technical Architect for The Mirazon Group, a VMware Enterprise Partner in Louisville, Kentucky.  "Being able to schedule discovery of our customers' ESX environments, and store the results in a SQL Server database backend for anytime reporting were the features that initially piqued our interest.  What blew me away though, was the detailed reports, charts and graphs that we were able to create with just a few mouse clicks.  These reports take advantage of pivot tables and Excel 2007's conditional formatting, which lets me revise the report on the fly to show only the systems that I want.  It's a great tool for charge-back analysis.  The automated e-mailing of change management reports will revolutionize change control of ESX virtual environments." Like the original Veeam Reporter, Reporter Enterprise collects information about the VI3 environment, its components and configu­ration settings. From this collection, Reporter provides comprehensive Microsoft Visio, Excel, Word or Adobe PDF reports for analysis, change control, documentation and decision-mak­ing support.

New features in Veeam Reporter Enterprise include:

  • Change management – Veeam Reporter Enterprise updates the SQL database incrementally, allowing configuration change management reporting. Administrators can get point-in-time views of their virtual environment and generate reports to analyze configuration changes over time.
  • Visibility to "VM sprawl" – VMware administrators can immediately see virtual machines recently added to the infrastructure, which allows them to verify the VM's owner and whether it complies with internal policy.
  • Enterprise-level reporting –The Veeam Reporter Enterprise client/server architecture provides a web-access interface and SQL Server database back-end, allowing any administrator to generate and view granular reports on his or her area of interest.
  • Storage capacity – Detailed graphical reports allow administrators to see datastore capacity and utilization, VM populations on each datastore, and usage statistics for local and shared datastores.
  • Unattended data collection and ad hoc reporting – Veeam Reporter Enterprise separates the data collection and report generation steps, so users can set automated collection to occur at specific intervals, ensuring an up-to-date view is ready any time. 

Pricing and Availability Veeam Reporter Enterprise is available immediately, with North American pricing beginning at $375 USD per socket.   More information and free trial downloads are available at http://www.veeam.com/vmware-esx-reporting_enterprise.html. About Veeam Software Veeam Software, a premier-level VMware Technology Alliance Partner and member of the VMware Ready Management program, provides innovative software for managing VMware Infrastructure. Veeam offers an award-winning suite of tools to assist the VMware administrator, including #1 for VMware Backup: Veeam Backup & Replication; Veeam Reporter Enterprise, for VMware Performance, Storage, Capacity reporting and chargeback;  Veeam Configurator, offering Host Profiles today; and Veeam Monitor, for vmware performance monitoring and alerting across multiple Virtual Centers.  With its acquisition of nworks, Veeam's products include the nworks Smart Plug-in and the nworks Management Pack that incorporate VMware data into enterprise management consoles from HP and Microsoft.  Learn more about Veeam Software by visiting www.veeam.com.

Media Contact:

Satyen Dayal Spark Communications Satyen@sparkcomms.co.uk Phone: +44 (0) 20 7436 0420

Carrie Reber Veeam Software Carrie.Reber@veeam.com Phone: +1 614 339 8200