#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience


Columbus, Ohio, January 12, 2010– Server virtualization management tools from Veeam Software have become an integral part of the IT infrastructure in the Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD). Veeam Backup & Replication, Veeam Business View and Veeam Monitor enable the district’s IT team to protect, manage and monitor mission-critical servers according to business priorities, empowering them to measure performance and reallocate resources to support the needs of the district. “We consolidated 12 of our server racks down to three, with 160 virtual machines running on eight physical machines,” explained Joe Gremillion, network support specialist for the district. “Veeam Business View and Veeam Monitor enable us to see and manage our virtual servers by category, such as email servers, file servers and test servers. This gives us the kind of management overview we need to focus on core service values, including reliability, performance, flexibility and cost.” In addition to Veeam Business View and Veeam Monitor, the IT team uses Veeam Backup & Replication, which ensures fast backup and recovery of the VMware environment. “Before we used Veeam Backup & Replication, it took 12 hours to back up one particular email server. Now that same process takes less than 20 minutes,” Gremillion said. Veeam Monitor provides support for troubleshooting, issue resolution, trend reporting and capacity planning, which makes it possible for the team to proactively manage the VMware infrastructure. When integrated with Veeam Business View, Veeam Monitor provides a much easier way to manage and monitor the virtual infrastructure from a business or service level perspective. “As more and more universities employ server virtualization, they find they need new strategies to manage virtual machines and safeguard their investment in the virtual infrastructure,” explained Doug Hazelman, Director of the Global Systems Engineer Group for Veeam. “Veeam Business View along with Veeam Monitor enables the IT team at DCCCD to group and manage virtual machines in a business-centric manner, which helps them prioritize resource allocation and meet both the technology and business needs of the district.” About Dallas County Community College District Established in 1965, DCCCD is the largest undergraduate educational institution in the state of Texas. The district’s seven colleges currently enroll more than 100,000 students every semester. For more information, go to www.dcccd.edu. About Veeam Software Veeam Software, a premier-level VMware Technology Alliance Partner and member of the VMware Ready Management program, provides innovative software for managing VMware vSphere 4 and Virtual Infrastructure 3. Veeam offers an award-winning suite of tools to assist the VMware administrator, including #1 for VMware vSphere backup: Veeam Backup & Replication; Veeam Reporter Enterprise, for VMware performance, storage, capacity reporting and chargeback; Veeam Monitor, for VMware vSphere performance monitoring and alertingacross multiple vCenter Servers; Veeam Configurator, offering complete host configuration management; and Veeam Business View, a free add-on that works with other Veeam products to provide business categorization for the VMware vSphere environment. With its acquisition of nworks, Veeam\'s products include the nworks Smart Plug-in and the nworks Management Pack that incorporate VMware data into enterprise management consoles from HP and Microsoft.  Learn more about Veeam Software by visiting www.veeam.com. Social Media Links Twitter: http://twitter.com/veeam LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=1624687 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/Veeam-Software/48046820798?ref=ts Media Contacts: Jeff Miller Davies Murphy Group jmiller@daviesmurphy.com +1 541 207 3461

Carrie Reber Veeam Software Carrie.Reber@veeam.com +1 614 339 8200