#1 Global Leader in Data Resilience


New Scalability Features, Expanded Support for vSphere Added to VMware Monitoring Tools for Microsoft Operations Manager, HP Operations Manager

Columbus, Ohio, July 22, 2009 – Veeam Software, award-winning provider of systems management tools for VMware virtual datacenter environments, today released version 5.0 of its nworks Management Pack for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager and Smart Plug-in for HP Operations Manager.  The products allow customers to leverage their investments in Microsoft Operations Manager and HP Operations Manager to monitor and manage VMware vSphere virtual environments from within the enterprise management console already in place. 

With version 5.0, Veeam has improved the operational aspects of the products for enhanced scalability and a lower total cost of ownership, all while remaining agentless on the ESX server.  A new component called the nworks Management Center dramatically improves scalability, high availability and load balancing by managing multiple instances of the nworks Collector in large enterprise deployments.  Expanded support for VMware vSphere and enterprise-class centralized administration ensure that these VMware Ready Optimized nworks solutions from Veeam are “future proofed” and optimized for the world’s largest enterprise deployments.

“We don’t have to switch to another console to monitor our virtual infrastructure, because the Veeam nworks Management Pack supports a centralized monitoring approach using Microsoft System Center Operations Manager,” said Roy Braad, IT Coordinator, ArcelorMittal Bremen.  “Our IT team supports the 24/7 production of steel, and the nworks Management Pack enables us to drill down to particular virtual machines to solve problems before they become critical to production.” New features in version 5.0 include:

  • Full, native support for vSphere 4 – Preconfigured monitoring of new features in vSphere 4, including Distributed Power Management, Host Profiles and Virtual Applications (vApp).
  • New nworks Management Center – a new web-based administrative interface dramatically improves scalability, high availability and load balancing, and simplifies the deployment configuration and usability of multiple instances of the nworks MP and SPI throughout the enterprise.
  • High availability – the centralized license and configuration features of the new Management Center make it possible to create “hot standby” nworks Collectors. Any nworks Collector “heartbeat” failure automatically triggers redistribution of the failed Collector’s jobs to a standby Collector, assuring no lapse in monitoring availability.
  • Load balancing – in enterprises using multiple instances of the nworks Collectors, monitoring jobs are automatically assigned using the Balance feature, optimizing workload distribution and eliminating the need to configure individual Collectors.
  • License server – now a pool of licenses is shared across all enterprise instances of the nworks Collector, greatly simplifying deployment in large, dynamic environments.

Future-proofed solutions from Veeam The nworks MP and SPI from Veeam have both been qualified through the VMware Ready testing process and are certified as VMware Ready Optimized products. The nworks MP and SPI are VMware endorsed solutions for VMware management per the VMware Ready Management program, providing customer assurance that these Veeam products not only offer lower integration costs today, but also will support VMware infrastructure future directions.

Pricing and Availability

The Veeam nworks MP and SPI 5.0 are both available immediately, with North American pricing remaining at $450 USD per socket for the MP and $690 USD per socket for the SPI.  More information on VMware monitoring with Microsoft System Center Operations Manager and VMware monitoring with HP Operations Manager is available at www.veeam.com.

About Veeam Software

Veeam Software, a premier-level VMware Technology Alliance Partner and member of the VMware Ready Management program, provides innovative software for managing VMware vSphere 4 and Virtual Infrastructure 3. Veeam offers an award-winning suite of tools to assist the VMware administrator, including #1 for VMware backup: Veeam Backup & Replication; Veeam Reporter Enterprise, for VMware performance, storage, capacity reporting and chargeback;  Veeam Configurator, offering complete host configuration management; and Veeam Monitor, for VMware performance monitoring and alertingacross multiple vCenters. With its acquisition of nworks, Veeam\'s products include the nworks Smart Plug-in and the nworks Management Pack that incorporate VMware data into enterprise management consoles from HP and Microsoft.  Learn more about Veeam Software by visiting www.veeam.com.

Media Contact: Carrie Reber Carrie.Reber@veeam.com +1 614 339 8200