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Backup of Powered-Off VM in Proxmox Fails When HA Status is Stopped

KB ID: 4715
Product: Veeam Backup & Replication | 12.3
Published: 2025-01-30
Last Modified: 2025-01-30
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The backup of a powered-off VM within a Proxmox environment where High Availability (HA) is enabled but the HA status is Stopped, fails with the error:

Failed to perform backup: Failed to connect the NBD server to the hypervisor host.


The job fails because the High Availability (HA) status is set to "stopped." As documented in the Proxmox documentation, in the stopped state, "The CRM tries to keep the resource in stopped state, but it still tries to relocate the resources on node failures." This configuration prevents backups of powered-off virtual machines, resulting in errors.


To resolve this issue and allow the job to complete for powered-off VMs, reconfigure the Veeam Plugin for Proxmox to lock VMs during backup, informing the CRM not to trigger a stop operation.

  1. On the Veeam Backup Server, open the AppSettings File:
    C:\Program Files\Veeam\Plugins\PVE\Service\appsettings.json
  2. Find the line containing "LockVmOnBackup": false and change it to true.
  1. Save the file.
  2. Ensure there are no active Proxmox backup or restore tasks.
  3. Disable all scheduled Proxmox jobs.
  4. Restart the Veeam PVE Service service.
  5. Enable all disabled jobs from Step 5.
In the event of any failures during the backup, the VM may remain locked. To resolve this issue, please follow the instructions provided here: How to unlock a VM if it doesn’t start.
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