Air-gapped backups with object storage immutability

Just like getting myself vaccinated helps with herd immunity while helping myself, protecting businesses helps protect the system on both a small and global scale. I am doing my part in this effort. This means I am always on the lookout for a better alternative way to achieve results. And that is where Veeam Backup & Replication v10 and immutability of your backup files in object storage comes into play. Read more

Instant VM Recovery considerations for modern data center – Part 2

A lot of discussion and thought goes into designing backup solutions for adequate capacity, performance at an affordable cost. Normally the focus is on the backups, but we also need to think about the restores. The faster the restore, the less down time and economical loss. Instant VM Recovery is there to achieve the fastest possible restore time. This works great, but at scale, you need to worry about the performance of those virtual machines you made available so quickly and how the operations involved impact your environment. Let's continue our discussion of some key design considerations to make Instant VM Recovery shine. Read more

Instant VM Recovery considerations for modern data center – Part 1

A lot of discussion and thought goes into designing backup solutions for adequate capacity, performance at an affordable cost. Normally the focus is on the backups, but we also need to think about the restores. The faster the restore, the less down time and economical loss. Instant VM Recovery is there to achieve the fastest possible restore time. This works great, but at scale, you need to worry about the performance of those virtual machines you made available so quickly and how the operations involved impact your environment. We’ll discuss some key design considerations to make Instant VM Recovery shine. Read more